Donate Now
Your tax-deductible gift helps us continue to provide edible gardens and promote health, wellness, and nutritional education

Sponsorship Benefits
Our sponsors make a key difference in the reach and impact of our organization. By partnering with Neighborhood Farms USA, sponsors can unlock various benefits including:
- Tax deductible donations
- Public Relations and Community Goodwill
- Product awareness and exposure to an audience of 500,000+
- Customized initiatives and promotions
- Garden naming rights
Sponsorship Opportunities
With your help, we can continue to install community gardens in public schools, assisted living facilities, and workforce housing developments. Making change one neighborhood at a time.
Food Forest Champion
$35,000 Contribution
- Industry Exclusivity
- Prime logo placement on website and all materials
- Featured Sponsor Highlight on Website
- Recognition in Press Releases and Events
- Prominent Logo Display in Garden such as on a garden bench
Permaculturist Sponsor
$25,000 Contribution
- Prime Placement in Social Media Acknowledgments
- Featured Sponsor Highlight on Website
- Recognition in Press Releases and Events
- Prominent Logo Display in Garden such as on a garden bench
- Prime logo placement on website and all materials
Master Gardener Sponsor
$15,000 Contribution
- Logo Use in Prominent Position
- Social Media Shoutouts
- Website Recognition for 1 year
- Prominent Logo Display in Garden such as on a garden bench
- Prime logo placement on website and all materials
Horticultural Guardian Sponsor
$10,000 Contribution
- Logo Use in Acknowledgments
- Social Media Mentions
- Website Listing
Community Garden Sponsor
$5,000 Contribution
- Logo Display
- Social Media Recognition
- Website Acknowledgment